Environmental (Research & Education)

We have conducted various Webinars, Seminar, and Workshops in the field of Environment & Sustainability.

People's Health (Research, Education & Awareness)

FSEF conducts awareness programs at various locations in collaboration with other organizations to aware as many people as possible about the People’s health.

CSR (Implementation)

CSR is a major tool for corporate bodies to give back to society and nature from which they have gained soo much. We at FSEF also provide consultancy in implementation of CSR fund especially in the field of Environment & Sustainability.

Ecosystem Restoration

We conduct tree plantation drives throughout the year. We have also pledged to plant 50,0000 sapling in the year 2030.

Awareness Programs

FSEF conducts awareness programs at various location in collaboration with other organizations to aware as many people as possible about the environmental health.

Renewable Sources Of Energy

We are working towards to promote the Renewable Sources of Energy and save our mother planet from the curse of climate change, global worming and pollution.