The poor and destitute daily wage labourers in Delhi, who had lost their source of livelihood due to the lockdown imposed to restrain the spread of the coronavirus, were to undergo uncertainty as they didn’t know where their next meal will come from.
We ourselves witnessed thousands confront hunger around AIIMS and Dwarka in Delhi as lockdown left daily wage workers helpless. Lockdown kept extended added to the woes of them. So, in order to give them courage to fight this pandemic, we started off with Hosla.

Total Food Packet distributed (10 May to 20 June 2021) – 20000 Total Ration Kits distributed – 103

HOSLA- a food donation drive was a social initiative started by FSEF in the month of May 2021 which aims at providing free food to those 500-600 people everyday, who were in need at that difficult time. The drive which started off in Delhi (near AIIMS and Dwarka), was also carried out in Shahjanpur (U.P.) and Patna (Bihar). During this drive, FSEF provided food to 20,000 people by the end of June 2021. FSEF conducted 100 Days of non stop drive in different states. The drive was also extended to Rewari, Haryana as one of our team member Devanshu Yadav distributed more than hundred ration kits which could feed a family of 5 people for 15 days. This event was totally based on donation that we received.